Our Patients Speak Out

“IT WAS PERFECT! Three simple words that sum up the outcome of a remarkable experience. From the moment I was prepped for cataract surgery in November, from the time I was measured and examined by your wonderful staff, and from my first meeting with you, I knew I was in excellent hands from the surgical procedure you were going to perform on my eyes. “Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your expertise, your kind and gentle demeanor and for the incredible outcome, which has given me 20/20 vision in both of my eyes. May God bless you and your marvelous talent that brings so much happiness back into the lives of so many people who are fortunate to find a gifted surgeon who specializes in the miracle of eyesight. Most sincerely,”
~ Vin Scully

"As human beings, we greatly appreciate our sense of sight. Having eyes to see is such a blessing, and if there is ever a problem with our eyes, we want the best eye doctor we can find.  I have found my best eye doctor, and his name is Doctor Peter J. Cornell.  I have just had two cataracts removed and two new lenses implanted, and now haziness is gone and focus is back fully.  I now see a brighter picture and the picture is sharp, near and far.  To me, it is a modern miracle and it all happened in a professionally smooth, painless way, made very pleasant by Doctor Cornell and his team.  I highly-strongly-and enthusiastically-recommend Doctor Cornell for any problems with the eyes."

-David Lynch

“Is cataract surgery just a routine operation these days? I needed cataract surgery and Peter Cornell was very highly recommended, so I went to him. Modern technology has made this surgery almost routine, but eyes are highly individual, so be careful! Careful I was in choosing Dr. Cornell, and careful he was in treating my case. The result, 20/20 vision in both eyes. Was my case standard? Not exactly. My experience in Cornell’s hands was that he was dedicated to taking into account all individual differences and needs. First, my eyes were comprehensively examined by trained, friendly and efficient personnel using modern technical tools to measure all the characteristics of my eyes. Then, Dr. Cornell went through my detailed personal history to find out anything else he should know about my eyes. In my case, I had had LASIK eye surgery, some twenty years before. Finally, Dr. Cornell had a personal discussion with me, where he carefully laid out all the options and risks with me. In my case, he explained how and why my previous LASIK surgery had changed the shape of my eyes and how that increases the risks, slightly. He explained the different lens options and how they could affect the outcome. Finally, he worked with me to determine our strategy. Did I want 20/20 in both eyes or maybe some ability to read without reading glasses or see intermediate distances clearly, like on a computer screen? We decided to go for 20/20 in the first eye, then meet again and decide from that outcome our strategy for the second eye. He achieved our target (20/20) on the first eye and I decided to again try for the best distance vision in the second eye, rather than optimize it more for reading vision, and again we achieved 20/20. Even the follow-up treatment was done with care and careful monitoring. Various drops were needed for several weeks, my eyes were checked and monitored for my vision periodically, all to insure that my eyes healed properly. YES, my cataract surgery was successful. NO, I had no complications. But, in the end, my eyes are precious, and with Dr. Cornell, I had had the best treatment possible to achieve that result!”
~ Barry Barish (Nobel Prize in Physics – 2017)

“I am so very grateful to you for the gift of renewed vision and the confidence that I can now “see my way clear” in all aspects of my life. Your extraordinary skill as a surgeon, your attentiveness to my concerns and genuine caring have made this cataract surgery such an easy and comfortable journey for me over the past year. I am also most grateful for the friendly and competent support of your staff. Thank you again, Dr. Cornell, for your exceptional care and skill – and for my “new eyes. Warmest personal regards”
~ S. V. Cable, Scottsdale, Virginia

“Dr. Cornell and his office restored my pre-20's vision to 20-20. This was something that I had wished for several decades. It can only be described as a miracle. The Doctor himself is very cordial, and so is his staff.”
~ Harvey E. Mayer

“I am a patient of Dr. Cornell’s since the 1990s. From the beginning, I have been extraordinarily impressed with the efficiency, excellence and high standard of care patients receive from Drs. Cornell and and their staff. They are the best of the best. In 2013, I had cataract surgery on both my left and right eyes. From the start, the office informed me of everything that was to happen from the surgical preparation and procedure and what options I had to insurance charges. The surgeries went extremely well. The surgical center was excellent and Dr. Cornell’s work was first-rate. After the surgery, any needs I had were met immediately. I now have better than 20-20 vision and am loving my new eyesight. I highly recommend Dr. Cornell. You are in great hands with him and his team.”
~ Ann Vanino.

"Since I was 3 years old, I have had to wear glasses. My parents didn't know I had any eyesight problem until then as I never showed any signs of poor vision. Sure I sat close to the TV but so many kids do. I used my hands to hold onto things, but my parents thought I was just being careful. They ended up taking me to the eye doctor and they couldn't believe what the doctor said, "Randi can't see at all. How has she managed this whole time?" After putting on glasses for the first time I said, "Mommy you look weird." That was the first time I ever saw my Mom.

“Depending on glasses and contacts my whole life has been so incredibly hard. Glasses always had to be sent back 2 or 3 times because they weren't right and not to mention the pain that the glasses caused my ears from being so heavy, due to the lenses (coke bottle glasses to be exact), contacts irritated my eyes so badly to the point I would have to remove them in the middle of driving because the pain was so unbearable and hope that I would make it home safely. Needless to say, there never seemed to be an end in sight (no pun intended). After seeing several eye surgeons for over 5 years and hearing, "You are not a candidate for LASIK. There isn't a surgery out there that can be done," I just assumed I would have to grin and bear the pain of contacts for the rest of my life. Not one doctor gave me an ounce of hope for a future surgery, until… I heard about Dr. Cornell from a work colleague. They raved about him and said he is "the one" and I have to get an appointment right away. Of course my expectations were low as how my prior experiences went, but I made an appointment anyway. After a consultation, the news brought my Mom and me to tears. After telling me that 1% of people in the entire universe share my prescription and situation, Dr. Cornell said, "I can help you." My mom and I have seen several eye doctors over the years and never in my entire life has a doctor (whom I just met) taken such an interest in me and my case. Dr. Cornell invested so much time in me and wanted nothing more than to find a procedure that would work for me. Dr. Cornell went over every good and bad risk and what my options were. He said that if I was his daughter, he would do LASIK. He did warn me that the chances of me coming out with perfect vision was highly unlikely but he could correct enough to where I could wear normal cheap contacts or wear small powered glasses. That was enough for me to schedule the Lasik appointments and off I went. “My results are one for the books. I now have 20/20 vision in both eyes! Dr. Cornell never imagined that he would get anywhere close to that type of correction, but he did. My quality of life has changed in so many ways and I have Dr. Cornell to thank for that. My biggest wish my entire life was to never have to wear corrective lenses again and because of the knowledge and talent Dr. Cornell has, he made my wish come true. He is my hero and I thank my lucky stars every single day for him and giving me something that I never ever thought I would have… perfect crystal clear vision."
~ Randi M.

“Dr. Cornell, I am writing this letter to let you know what a wonderful job you did on my most recent cataract surgery. It is all more impressive given that I take Flomax, have astigmatism, and the fact that every other physician I have spoken to had recommended a Toric lens, where I would always need reading glasses. You had the patience to take ALL my many calls, respond to them timely, and agree to try a Crystalens. Because of the way you handled it, my surgery came out fantastic and I now have 20/20 vision in both eyes and may never need reading glasses! I am truly impressed.

“My wife’s cataract surgery with you was just as remarkable. She couldn’t read without glasses and had distant problems. Thanks to you she now has perfect vision. “I consider the money spent on these eye surgeries the best investment I made in my life. However, the real truth of the matter is, the best investment was the decision to have you do the surgery. You’re a perfectionist and it shows. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
~ Irwin & Patricia J.

"Dr. Cornell, I first stepped into your office for my first visit prior to having cataract surgery on both eyes. On that first visit and on each subsequent one, I was impressed with the quality of your personnel, from the person on the phone to the technicians that I encountered. They are all a reflection of your beliefs and standards. Dr. Cornell, Webster's definition of a 'mensch' is a man of integrity and honor – My family's definition adds compassion to the meaning. You are a MENSCH. My personal thanks to you on behalf of what you have done for me and what you do for others."
~ Shirley S.

Call us: (310) 274-9205
IT WAS PERFECT! Three simple words that sum up the outcome of a remarkable experience. From the moment I was prepped for cataract surgery in November, from the time I was measured and examined by your wonderful staff, and from my first meeting with you, I knew I was in excellent hands from the surgical procedure you were going to perform on my eyes.
~ Vin Scully
As human beings, we greatly appreciate our sense of sight. Having eyes to see is such a blessing, and if there is ever a problem with our eyes, we want the best eye doctor we can find. I have found my best eye doctor, and his name is Doctor Peter J. Cornell. I have just had two cataracts removed and two new lenses implanted, and now haziness is gone and focus is back fully.
~ David Lynch
Is cataract surgery just a routine operation these days? I needed cataract surgery and Peter Cornell was very highly recommended, so I went to him. Modern technology has made this surgery almost routine, but eyes are highly individual, so be careful! Careful I was in choosing Dr. Cornell, and careful he was in treating my case.
~ Barry Barish
Contact Us

450 North Bedford Dr. Suite 101, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone (310) 274-9205, Fax (310) 274-7229

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